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Case outcome: Grant Bradburn

The independent Cricket Discipline Commission (CDC) has issued its sanctions decision in relation to Grant Bradburn, after he was charged following allegations of discriminatory conduct during his time as Head Coach of Glamorgan CCC.
Mr Bradburn admitted the charges relating to three breaches of Regulation 3.3 Professional Conduct Regulations in December 2024. 
CDC adjudicator Tim O’Gorman issued Mr Bradburn with a reprimand, a caution as to his future conduct, a requirement to attend an appropriate course on discrimination and EDI, and a suspended fine of £500.
Director of The Cricket Regulator Chris Haward said: “There is no place for discrimination in cricket and normalisation of discriminatory language through this kind of conduct is unacceptable. Where such instances are identified they will be investigated and those responsible will be held to account. 
“The Regulator fully endorses the CDC’s observation that the culture in any organisation is heavily influenced by those who lead that organisation and so it is especially incumbent on all senior leaders to set the right tone. In this instance, Grant Bradburn failed to meet expectations.
“The Regulator would like to thank Glamorgan for their assistance in this matter and praise the openness and courage of those who reported this misconduct. 
“Removing discrimination from the game is a priority for the Cricket Regulator. We recognise that it takes a lot of courage for those impacted to come forward. We are committed to investigating thoroughly and expeditiously when allegations are raised with us, whether current or in the past.
“Anyone who has experienced discrimination in cricket can contact the Cricket Regulator via or”
The full judgement is available here.