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Share a Concern

Children and Young People

The ECB and Cricket Regulator are committed to provide you with a fun and safe environment to enjoy the game. If you need it, support is available from your club, county and our Safeguarding Team. 

We also want to ensure your views are listened to and actions are taken on those views. It is important that you share with your club's committee what you feel about the game and what they can do to make you feel safe and get you to continue to enjoy the game.

Remember if you would like to share a concern about yourself or another young person, please use the ‘How to share a concern’ page on the website that talks you through who to contact.

If you are upset or worried about something, you should talk to an adult you trust.

Support for you

Listed below are some helplines and websites where you can get information, advice and support. If you or someone you know is experiencing problems with abuse, eating disorders, sexuality, drink and drugs, bullying, bereavement or something else, there is help available.


CEOP –ThinkUknow -

Childline - (Helpline: 0800 1111)

ChildNet -

Kooth -

NSPCC - (Helpline: 0800 800 5000) 

Samaritans - (Helpline is open 24 hrs a day 116 123)

Shore -

Stonewall -

Stonewall Youth -

The Mix -

YoungMinds -